Package pypln :: Package workers :: Module extractor
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Source Code for Module pypln.workers.extractor

 1  # coding: utf-8 
 3  __meta__ = {'from': 'gridfs-file', 
 4              'requires': ['contents'], 
 5              'to': 'document', 
 6              'provides': ['text', 'metadata'],} 
 8  import shlex 
 9  from subprocess import Popen, PIPE 
10  from mimetypes import guess_type 
11  from re import compile as re_compile 
14  regexp_tags = re_compile(r'(<[ \t]*(/?[a-zA-Z]*)[^>]*>)') 
16 -def parse_html(html, remove_tags=None, remove_inside=None, replace_with=' '):
17 data = regexp_tags.split(html) 18 content_between = data[::3] 19 complete_tags = data[1::3] 20 tag_names = data[2::3] 21 for index, tag_name in enumerate(tag_names): 22 search_tag = tag_name 23 if tag_name and tag_name[0] == '/': 24 search_tag = tag_name[1:] 25 if remove_tags and search_tag not in remove_inside: 26 complete_tags[index] = replace_with 27 if remove_inside and tag_name in remove_inside: 28 remove_to = tag_names.index('/' + tag_name, index) 29 total_to_remove = remove_to - index + 1 30 complete_tags[index:remove_to + 1] = [''] * total_to_remove 31 content_between[index + 2:remove_to + 1] = \ 32 [''] * (total_to_remove - 2) 33 content_between[index + 1] = '\n' 34 complete_tags.append('') 35 return ''.join(sum(zip(content_between, complete_tags), tuple()))
37 -def get_pdf_metadata(data):
38 lines = data.strip().splitlines() 39 metadata = {} 40 for line in lines: 41 try: 42 key, value = line[:line.index(':')], line[line.index(':') + 1:] 43 except ValueError: 44 continue 45 metadata[key.strip()] = value.strip() 46 return metadata
48 -def extract_pdf(data):
49 pdf2text = Popen(shlex.split('pdftotext -q - -'), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, 50 stderr=PIPE) 51 pdfinfo = Popen(shlex.split('pdfinfo -meta -'), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, 52 stderr=PIPE) 53 text, text_err = pdf2text.communicate(input=data) 54 meta_out, meta_err = pdfinfo.communicate(input=data) 55 try: 56 metadata = get_pdf_metadata(meta_out) 57 except: 58 metadata = {} 59 #TODO: what should I do here? 60 if not (text and metadata): 61 return None, None 62 elif not text_err: 63 return text.strip(), None if meta_err else metadata 64 else: 65 return None, None
67 -def main(file_data):
68 file_mime_type = guess_type(file_data['name'])[0] 69 metadata = None 70 if file_mime_type == 'text/plain': 71 text = file_data['contents'] 72 elif file_mime_type == 'text/html': 73 text = parse_html(file_data['contents'], True, ['script', 'style']) 74 elif file_mime_type == 'application/pdf': 75 text, metadata = extract_pdf(file_data['contents']) 76 return {'text': text, 'metadata': metadata}
77 78 #TODO: detect language with cld 79 #TODO: detect encoding to decode 80 #TODO: should extractor add file-metadata (creation date, size etc.)? 81 #TODO: need to verify some exceptions when trying to convert 'evil' PDFs 82 #TODO: should 'replace_with' be '' when extracting from HTML? 83